Rochelle Wisoff-Fields runs this blog called Friday Fictioneers.  A very good place, I would say.

Thanks to J. Hardy Carroll for the photo.

Surveillance is long and arduous, but it pays off in the long run.  Higher risks, higher rewards.  Here’s the story.



“He’s my daughter’s boyfriend.”

Fritz read the notes.  “And you say this ‘uncle’ of his is really the boyfriend’s father?”

“Yes. Sylvia heard him call his uncle ‘father.’ ’’  He leaned in close.  “Mein Herr, I’m positive — his father is the one you have been looking for.”

“This will take considerable thought.”  Fritz scanned the notes again.  “All right.  I’ll do some investigating on my own.”

Vielen dank.”

Later …









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51 Responses to 1960

  1. Oh… Patience pays off… a victory to have him caught, a shame it was not done sooner…

  2. neilmacdon says:

    Small steps, building the chain. And of course, luck

  3. The Voice says:

    Nazi hunters. Clever take on the prompt. Nice story.

    • wmqcolby says:

      It was Ben-Gurion’s order to act on the information and bring Eichmann back to Israel for trial. He didn’t want him killed, which is what a lot of Nazi hunters were wanting. Interesting justice.

  4. Sandra says:

    Such a different take on the prompt. Good one.

    • wmqcolby says:

      Thanks, Sandra! It just screamed something like this. I saw the TV movie The House On Garibaldi Street and there were houses like this one, kind of.

  5. helenmidgley says:

    Loved what you did with this, great piece 🙂

  6. elmowrites says:

    Taught me a little bit of history here; you’re following in Rochelle’s footsteps! I would have loved a link, but found a few myself. Terrifying story; seems to me the daughter was incredibly brave if he knew she was stepping into the lion’s den.

    • wmqcolby says:

      The situation was Lothar Herrmann, a German-half-Jew, moved to Argentina in 1938. His daughter, Sylvia, was dating this kid named Klaus Eichmann, who said his father was a very powerful Nazi officer. Herrmann has her take notes! He then notified Fritz Bauer and the rest is history. There is a terrific movie called The House On Garibaldi Street. It was made for CBS TV in 1979. See it! It’s really good. Thanks for reading, Jen!

  7. Mike says:

    A just reckoning. Which sadly needs to be carried forward against the present day evil individuals.

    • wmqcolby says:

      What the Israelis have always had is resolve. Resolve is what gets things done, regardless. Also cleans carpets, too. 😉

      Thanks for reading, Mike! 🙂

  8. IfeomaO says:

    Good job and thanks for the unique and interesting take

  9. Dear Kent,

    Great historical piece. Well done.



  10. draliman says:

    Got him! I love the persistence and patience of the Nazi hunters.

    • wmqcolby says:

      Yes, it took time. The spies from Israeli Intel had to compete with the actual Nazi hunters who wanted to find Eichmann and kill him right then and there. It was Ben-Gurion’s plan to have him captured, treated humanely, convinced (rather than coerced) into signing an agreement to be tried and brought to Israel for trial. It worked.

  11. mickwynn2013 says:

    Great piece. I wondered who he was going to be and it was someone well worth catching

  12. wmqcolby says:

    AH, very good. Thanks! Yeah, it’s fun to write stuff that has the bigger payoff. Doesn’t happen all the time, unfortunately … 😦

  13. liz young says:

    What a shame it took so long – he’d lived a long and happy life by then, which millions of Jews and gypsies and homosexuals and other ‘undesirables’ had not.

  14. wmqcolby says:

    Toward the end of the War, it didn’t matter whether someone was a Jew or not. The philosophy of Nazi Germany was rooted in the Enlightenment/humanist thinking, so it didn’t matter who they took as prisoners or killed. Even evangelical pastors were imprisoned and/or exterminated.

  15. jellico84 says:

    Eternal damnation is not too great a punishment for these individuals, past, present, and future. Period. End of story.

  16. rgayer55 says:

    I liked this, Kent. I always loved history pieces, and yes, patience does have it’s rewards.

  17. wmqcolby says:

    Thank-you, Russell. The movie definitely brought that out.

  18. plaridel says:

    i guess one can run but not hide forever.

  19. wmqcolby says:

    Yup. And they all seemed to hide in South America.

  20. I am impressed where your imagination took you. What a story in 100 words, begs for sequel.

  21. wmqcolby says:

    Well, the closest I could do is a 100-word synopsis of The House On Garibaldi Street. Hahaha!
    Thanks for reading. 🙂

  22. And retribution awaited. Eichmann was one of the oddest ones; apparently, his own meticulous notes and diaries were some of the evidence that convicted him. Somehow, I’d always thought it was Simon Wiesenthal who had found him, but no, he’d just been hunting him. I had to go back, and read a few things to confirm this for myself.
    Brilliant story — all in a hundred words! Nicely done!

    • wmqcolby says:

      Thanks! Eichmann had not really emotionally despised the Jews or hated them, he just didn’t care about whether they lived or (how) they died. He certainly demonstrated it. Maybe the opposite of love is indifference. Who knows?

      • Indifference is a true killer.
        Yes, I remember reading that he said he was just “doing his job.”
        I cannot even comprehend how anyone can do his or her job if it involves such inhumanity.

  23. gahlearner says:

    This is a great piece of history, I love the take. It’s a goodlesson in bravery, patience and determination. I wonder if you heard about these two: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serge_and_Beate_Klarsfeld

  24. wmqcolby says:

    Yes, i had heard of them before, but only briefly. Impressive people, I must say, though. Thanks for the article — AND reading my story! Glad you liked it.

  25. wmqcolby says:

    Yes, it actually happened that way. Rochelle even knows truth is stranger than fiction.

  26. subroto says:

    Nice way to bring a bit of history to life. Interesting story.

  27. wmqcolby says:

    Thanks, Sub. It’s one of the more interesting parts of the story.

  28. Amy Reese says:

    I love this historical take, Kent. Perseverance paid off.

    • wmqcolby says:

      It most indeed did, Amy. You just can’t make this stuff up, either. Like Alfred Hitchcock once said about movies being life “with the dull bits remove,” it was the same thing here. Thanks for reading! 🙂

  29. luckyjc007 says:

    I can only imagine how difficult it must have been to be patient, but it paid off and was well worth it. I will never understand how anyone could treat people in such a horrific manner. Great post.

  30. Good story based on fact, Kent. No, the Nazi hunters “never” gave up. They were patient and tracked down every lead and it certainly paid off. Well written. —- Suzanne

  31. Great one. History clarified. Justice served. Romance laid aside for rational thought. Logical outcome!
    I read the book ODESSA FILE and would read anything that comes up on the name Eichmann. I was in school when I read in the newspaper about him being found in South America.
    Nice to get ipdated.
    Sorry for the late reading!

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