Boy, Did WE Get A Wrong Number


Photo by CE Ayr.  Thanks, CE.

An anecdote from days of my working in the news biz.  Originally published August 27, 2016.  Please enjoy!


The police report came through to the news assignment desk at WMXT.

“Mike Bradley, 38, found dead in Lake Quivira due to boating accident.”

The news sent producer Amy and associate producer Angie, into a stunned silence.  Mike Bradley was their Assignment Editor!  And he had a boat at Lake Quivira!

“Angie, you don’t suppose …”

“Lemme get this. I’ll call the house. ”

Angie dialed the phone.  Mike Bradley’s voice answered.  “This is Mike.”

Angie sighed.  “Oh, Mike!  I’m SO happy to hear your voice!”

Mike chuckled, “I’m so happy that you thought of me as still being 38 years old!”


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35 Responses to Boy, Did WE Get A Wrong Number

  1. Dear Cuzzin Kent,

    I imagine there are a few Mike Bradley’s out there. 😉 Fun stuff.


    The Queen.

  2. wmqcolby says:

    It was pretty funny when we heard it. Kind of scary at first, though.

  3. neilmacdon says:

    Reminds me of beating up the kid who bullied me in the playground decades ago, and then stopping when I realised he probably wasn’t eight anymore either

  4. Rowena says:

    i wouldn’t mind being seen as 38 these days either. Great story.
    Best wishes,

  5. Iain Kelly says:

    Ha, that was a relief, well, not to the other Mike Bradley of course, but still…! 🙂

  6. ceayr says:

    Great tale, Kent.
    5 out of 5 orphan Bradleys!

  7. wmqcolby says:

    Thanks, CE. You had a better response than I would have had. 😀

  8. EagleAye says:

    Haha! It’s a good thing Mike has a sense of humor.

  9. msjadeli says:

    Very entertaining story.

  10. wmqcolby says:

    Thank-you very much, 🙂

  11. Dale says:

    It’s all in the details.

  12. Tannille says:

    People never age, unless we see them… Great punch to the story.

  13. Sandra says:

    You made me grin. I don’t remember this one, but it’s a keeper.

    • wmqcolby says:

      Why thank-you, Sandra! Yeah, it’s not all that memorable even to me, really, but it was something topmost. I have found a bunch of stories I really forgot about.

  14. That’s brilliant and all the more amusing for being based on fact!

    • wmqcolby says:

      You know, Keith, it’s true — sometimes you can’t make this stuff up! I’m hoping to find more stories this way. Thanks for reading and the vote of confidence.

  15. granonine says:

    What a great story 🙂

  16. plaridel says:

    oh, what a relief indeed. it happens. 🙂

  17. Ha! This is fun. You must have many stories from those days.

    • wmqcolby says:

      I got a few, Alicia. Some of them have been published already. Just waiting for the right prompt to show them again. Of course, I’m also trying to create new stories and I have one, but not yet ready to publish. It’ll depend on the prompt. I ran out of imagination so, I’m “re-purposing” old content. For now. 🙂

  18. Oy, the stress! Then again, there is probably someone out there who knows a 38 y old Mike … and who would not hear that Mike picking up the phone … For every ‘whew’ there’s an ‘oh-no!’ … Well done.

  19. Ha, yes. Nice little anecdote.

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